Shirasutai, a team of tiny fish that love to play in rice and under the sea!
This kawaii letterset from San-X Japan includes 40 sheets of writing paper (4 designs) and 20 matching envelopes.

Size: approx. 14 x 19 cm ~ 7" by 5 1/3"
Made in Japan, San-X 2014

Shirasu-Tai are one of the newest groups of characters from San-X and as usual have their slightly subversive cute charm. In Japanese, shirasu means Japanese anchovies, and just like the rest of us, even shirasu sometimes wonder what life’s all about. Is their fate just to end up on someone’s plate? Is there anything after that? They dream of returning to the beautiful blue oceans they love so much! Now, this intrepid gang of shirasu have decided they want to LIVE! 

Preis pro piece:
€ 5,99
Anzahl: Kaufen
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