Attention stationary-overs! Now there's also romyillustrations washitape YAY! You can easily seal your envelopes and brighten up gifts with this tape. Your post suddenly takes on a very personal touch.
- 10 meters of tape (1.5 cm high)
- Pattern of 35 centimeters repeating on the tape
- Easy to paste on paper and 'live up' post
- Not water resistant
- Tip! if the roll is very cold, the tape is often more difficult to remove and it may not tear the way you want. Make sure the roll of tape is at room temperature before using it. Have fun pasting!
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Still growing every day, the philosophy of Stationery Heaven is: “high quality products, reliable shipping as well as personal support.”
Stationery Heaven is the result of years of dreaming about a shop in stationery. As of today I am still active in swapping slams and I have several lovely penpals from all over the world.
Stationery Heaven
Dwergblauwtje 14
3863 GS Nijkerk
The Netherlands
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